Welcome To

Envision Estate Planning LLC

Estate Planning with heart! Envision a place where you feel comfortable. Envision a place where you do not feel beholden to a clock. Envision a place where you can ask questions and get clear answers. Envision a place where you will feel cared for.  Now, envision yourself here. 



Planning with heart means that Envision Estate Planning puts clients first. We will work exceptionally hard to deliver outstanding results and to make sure you feel valued and cared for during every step of our planning process.


Planning takes time. Feeling beholden to a clock creates pressure. We believe a fruitful relationship is one where you never feel pressured or stressed.


We place limits on the number of clients we serve monthly so that you get the attention and time that you deserve.


We believe we are a great fit for most of you.  However, like any relationship, it is not always a match. We will always work toward providing you with helpful information, resources, and referrals whether we do business or not.

Our Process


Preliminary Consultation

We offer a free no obligation 15-minute call via Google, Zoom, phone, What’s App, or Facebook to discuss your unique needs, answer preliminary questions, and give you valuable information.


Planning Session

Following our 15-minute call, if you wish to explore building our relationship further, we will schedule a in person (preferably) consultation (typically an hour but we will schedule two hours where we will present you with options, explanations, and information as well as make customized recommendations.


Building your Estate Plan

Assuming we will be a great fit, you will choose the planning level and fee that is right for you, and we will design a plan to give you peace of mind. Once this is accomplished, you will return to our office (or in unique circumstances, we may travel to you) approximately 4 weeks later to sign your new estate plan.


Follow Up

We have at least one follow up meeting with you following execution of your plan to ensure all your assets are owned in the right way, make sure all of those you named in your plan are informed and know what to do if anything ever happens to you. We then plan to meet three years at no charge to comprehensively review your plans knowing that as your life changes, your estate plan may need to change as well. Some clients may choose our membership option where we will meet annually to review your plan and you will never be charged for changes or updates.

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Monthly News and tips: Subscribe now to receive Planning With Heart,
our Monthly Newsletter which contains lots of great information,
helpful tips, news about events

    Our Services

    Family Estate Planning

    Families often overlook estate planning. If this is you, you are not alone? Make today the day you choose to no longer overlook it.  A good estate plan will help you to protect your children, your grandchildren, and your assets in the event of the unthinkable. It can serve to save you money on future legal fees and taxes and to keep your loved ones out of court and out of conflict.

    Young Professionals and Student Estate Planning

    For many young people, estate planning is not simply overlooked, it is simply not a thought. If this describes you, you are not alone. While your plan may be different, particularly when you are starting out in life, it is still important because it allows you to choose not only how and to whom any assets you may have been distributed but who can manage your affairs or make decisions for you in the event of the unthinkable.

    Legacy Planning

    An estate plan is great, but you are your own legacy. Envision Estate Planning offers additional services to make sure you are valued, cherished, and remembered in life and in death.


    Planning With Heart Weekly Zoominar

    Every Wednesday starting April 6, 11:00 to 12:00

    Meeting ID: 963 6849 6666
    Passcode: SVL33D

      Questions for the presenter:

      Our Videos

      What Others Are Saying

      The Buzz

      Envision an Estate Plan You and Your Family Can Count On

      Fill out your information and we will get back to you within 24 hours or feel free to call us at 781-874-4674. Please be sure to ask us about discounts and offers.  We offer discounts to active military, veterans, seniors, first responders, and frontline healthcare workers. We also offer a sliding fee discount to low-income families.

      Get Consultation!

      For more information or to schedule an initial consultation

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